I’ve heard plenty of men say “Essential oils are only for women.” There is such an aversion to the use of oils, by men, that the majority of them tend to dismiss essential oils as a possible health and wellness alternative. Getting a man to try an essential oil can be a downright Herculean task. This myth about oils being for women is just not true!
Do “Real Men” use essential oils? History has a little something to say about that. Essential oils were used by the officers of the Roman army. On the eve of a battle, the officers were massaged with a special blend of essential oils that included Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Rosewood, and Frankincense. The aroma of the oils would calm their nerves and help them to focus their thoughts as they prepared for their military campaigns. You can’t get much manlier than that!
You might be surprised to find these powerful plant extractions can be essential for men’s health.
Valentines Day is almost here! It's the perfect opportunity to whip up this manly cologne recipe and give it to your favorite guy!