When you look back on your life can you say you have lived life to it's fullest potential? I am going to guess that most of us are going to go with a negative answer on that one. I am sure in the beginning most of us had what we considered to be a good plan and then along the way as we got pushed down we decided that maybe our plan was just a little too audacious. So, as life goes, we started thinking less of ourselves and our potential dreams. We made our goals a little smaller and maybe less significant. We decided that maybe living life to our fullest potential was just not as possible as we had originally thought.
I know that I was at a point in time in my life where I thought I was living to my fullest potential a few years ago. I was in great shape and had a good job. I had a beautiful family with a big house and I thought all was just about perfect. Until, that awesome job slowly led to a layoff and then I found myself looking for work for a couple of years. I had been in my career for about 15 years. I had interviews every day for about 6 months. Then, over time, they stopped calling. I started to think something was wrong with me. How could I possibly deserve this. I had worked hard my entire life to get to this point. I slowly started to lose confidence and self-esteem. Over time, I think I made others think less of me because in truth I had started to think less of myself.
But you know what, that time allowed me to take a long hard look at my life. I finally realized my dream job cost me 12-16 hours of my life a day and I realized I missed so much of my kids lives because of it. I put so much faith in things and not hearts and that is time that I will never be able to get back. In the end if I had to evaluate what it cost me, it really wasn't worth it.
My goal over the last few years has become about trying to live a simpler life. I am trying really hard to spend time with those precious hearts instead of money. Trying to evaluate what things are worth my time and what items in my life need to be thrown out. I am finally realizing that I haven't even begun to tap into my fullest God given potential because I was so focused on what I thought I wanted or needed.
My biggest goals now have to do with my legacy and what I leave behind for my family. I want to teach them that life throws you curve balls and during that time you are going to figure out what you are really made of. You are going to have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back in the fight. Some lessens are just a lot harder to learn than others.
What things do you need to let go of to live to your fullest potential? Are you hanging onto something from the past that is detrimental to your future? I think you should let it go and start building new dreams. Let's build them together! Life is full of so much potential. Let's tap it!
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